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  1. canadmos

    ※⁜⁜※※⁜⁜※Saturday AMT※⁜⁜※※⁜⁜※

    Early visit to the garden center. Grabbed some hanging baskets of flowers and some hanging strawberry baskets. Hopefully the rodents are less adventurous getting those. Also reupped on cucumber seedlings, as a rabbit ate the ones i had planted. also got two more san marzano plants, because why...
  2. canadmos

    Toshi's thread

    Which one of them works for the roofing company?
  3. canadmos

    ***Felony Friday GMT***

    On purpose... or ? :busted:
  4. canadmos

    General Whistler thread

    Looking for their B kit of M6 bolts for Hifi35 stem. They want $20 to ship them..
  5. canadmos

    Random Food Thread.

    What were the carrots for?
  6. canadmos

    ***Felony Friday GMT***

    This training is dragging on so much. The instructor talks so friggin much. We're reviewing a practice exam of 40 questions. We're on question 13 and each one is taking 5-7 minutes to review, while he babbles on and on. :dead:
  7. canadmos

    General Whistler thread

    If anyone is going to Whistler, want to grab some bolts from Chromag for me and stick them in an envelope?
  8. canadmos

    Convicted Felon Trump's Presidency 2017 - 2021

    I don't know, I'm confused. :rofl: TRUMP AINT ALLOWED HERE, you guys heard it here first!
  9. canadmos

    The Car thread

    I saw one of these last night - might have been a Ford, can't remember - but it looked funny being so stubby.
  10. canadmos

    Convicted Felon Trump's Presidency 2017 - 2021

    Huh, do you mean USA doesn't allow them? :busted: Yes, am Canadian. Will travel for beer.
  11. canadmos

    DT 240 90t hubs?

    The new hubs look like a nice step forward, even if not backwards compatible.
  12. canadmos

    Convicted Felon Trump's Presidency 2017 - 2021

    Are American felons allowed into Canada? I know the US does not allow Canadian felons in. Hopefully we extend the same courtesy.
  13. canadmos

    Toshi's thread

    So you're keeping the LC now? All jokes aside, that sucks. Hopefully not much damage elsewhere.
  14. canadmos

    ※⁜⁜※※⁜⁜※Saturday AMT※⁜⁜※※⁜⁜※

    :wave: Working from home today, last few hours of training. Going to try to go for a ride tonight. edit - Shaturday? gtfo
  15. canadmos

    The last person to post a picture from their last bike ride wins access to the white courtesy phone.

    If you need a new jacket.. https://www.mec.ca/en/product/6022-121/bandit-jacket?colour=Black
  16. canadmos

    New Whip? New toys for the dependable steed?

    New derailleur and cassette. Easiest swap ever, only had to adjust the limit screws and that was it. Didn't even put a new cable in (I put a new one in a few months ago and left some extra on the end to snip off). I've had XO derailleurs in much worse shape, that still worked well, but this...
  17. canadmos

    Random Picture Thread