
On food aging


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
in my industry, we are required to include an expiration date on certain categories of products. the expiration date is based on the shelf life (which is tested in accordance with ASTM/ISO requirements) on the various aging factors. one thing to keep in mind about expiration dates - the product doesn't inherently go bad after that date, it's just that there's no shelf life data beyond that expiration date.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
We try not to waste food in the house, so generally we just look and smell the food. If it looks or smells bad, well it probably is. Stuff that can be frozen just gets chucked into the freezer if we know that it can't be consumed before it goes bad.

Milk though and eggs though, I don't know why but it creeps me out consuming them past their expiration date. Few days is okay, but beyond that... :panic:

One thing that I think helps us to not waste food, is that we don't have a huge pantry filled with random crap. We have on hand what we need for a few weeks. My mom always had/has a large pantry filled with stuff that largely just sits there, I don't see any benefit to that?


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
We try not to waste food in the house, so generally we just look and smell the food. If it looks or smells bad, well it probably is. Stuff that can be frozen just gets chucked into the freezer if we know that it can't be consumed before it goes bad.

Milk though and eggs though, I don't know why but it creeps me out consuming them past their expiration date. Few days is okay, but beyond that... :panic:
Milk and eggs will also follow the same pattern - if it looks or smells bad, it *definitely* is. Eggs last forever, though, in my experience. I don't even check the expiration on eggs...