
Democratic Banning?


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Are people banned if they receive enough neg rep? If not can we make it so? For example, and these numbers are totally arbitrary, -50 rep gets you a temp ban, -100 gets you a perma-ban? I figure as hard as it would be to reach those numbers, given the spreading rate, the fact that you can't rep a post twice, neg rep counts at half rate, and how many people would have to e-hate you that it wouldn't happen very often, and you'd have to be quite the e-douche. Totally democratic, yay freedom! We would be voting you off the :monkey: so to speak.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
who do you have in mind?
That hurts Jon, hurts bad.:( Why on earth would you think that I have any one particular person in mind. Do you really think so little of me?

Remember that guy that suggested poisoning a dog and everyone neg repped him to death? That was awesome.
Good times on the :monkey:

Seriously though, how about it?
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binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
The mods are active enough in the community and the community isn't so huge that we don't see the asshats.

I'm pretty leery of setting the precedent that a completely unmonitored/unmoderated, arbitrary feature will be entirely responsible for setting a ban.

In any event, having an unpopular opinion isn't sufficient grounds for banning and that's what rep is frequently used for.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
i generally don't -rep people.

i don't get pissed off that much.


Chelsea from Seattle
Apr 28, 2007
how much rep/history are you required to have before you are able to neg rep people?
I know you can try whenever. I remember getting repeatedly gray squared by Nostradumbass after I helped spur a gang -reping of him for being a moron. I'm guessing it sticks whenever you're in the green rep wise.