
Eric from Street Steeze

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binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
I don't know why this concept is hard for you, but I'm locking this one and further ones like this from you will be deleted. This is the bad sellers forum. People come in here to make judgements about who they should and should not do business with.

If you can't be bothered to outline the circumstances regarding the sale so that people can make an appropriate decision and your response to a mod asking you to clarify your situation is to delete threads and repost the exact same first post every time, then I'd say we have a pretty good idea of the kind of buyer you are to deal with.

If you decide you'd like to outline a real situation instead of a bunch of half thoughts, then feel free to start a new thread. If you can't handle that, then you don't really need this thread.

Thread: Eric from Street Steeze [Thread deleted by Larson TT y0!]
Thread: Eric from Street Steeze [Thread deleted by Larson TT y0!]
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