
Had An Idea (disc brake pads that are really sanding blocks of abrasive material?)


Bob the Builder
Aug 24, 2004
In the cleavage of the Tetons
So, I was thinking about these new shop devices that basically spin your wheel/disc indoors, so you can break them in consistently without riding the bike.
( see Unior Sinter Brake Pad Bedding Machine)

Well, I was sanding some glazed rotors tonight, and I thought “What if I could make/find some Disc brake ‘pads’ that are really just abrasive material?”
To start with, they could just be a single set to see if it would work, and the next step would be rigging up something like a truing stand with a motor to run a hub.
(I know pro WC mechanics have made these for bedding in, but not necessarily for sanding the rotors).
Any of you jokers have any observations to chime in with?
After my recent thumb surgery, I can’t really do this manually any more. It also would be way quicker.


used an iron once
Jan 20, 2009
Surely slapping a motor on a two wheel trainer would be more fun, plus E-bikers would be able to go for an indoor ride on a traditional bike without having to do anything, win win.

I stupidly bought some light weight rotors a few years back, new pads didn't touch the center of the rotor for quite a while so I flattened them off with one of these then hit it with a course 2" Scotchbrite afterwards.

Then I ditched the dumb light weight rotors and bought ones with an even braking surface across the whole disc.


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
Can you mount the rotor on a wheel and put it in a fork? Then press the sand paper against the rotor and spin the wheel?

Could you use one of those harbor freight sand blasting cabinets to get the job done?


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
$4000 for a gadget to spin the wheel to help bed in brake pads? Jesus.......

I'd go the roll lock way and just use an old hub or something to hold the rotor in place.


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
3rd of a mile from my garage to the trailhead and I can hit 35mph in that stretch, that's my pad bedding in performed.