
Bike Bling-slow

demo 9

Turbo Monkey
Jan 31, 2007
north jersey
This IS NOT a scammer, i repeat, this is NOT a scammer. I have ordered from bike bling twice, first time being pretty slow to get the ball rolling, second the same. This is just letting you know that they are a slow company. I ordered some parts on the 3rd, paying for 3 day shipping (so i could get it by the weekend, or monday after) I hear nothing, which isnt all that uncommon, than finally on the 11th, i get a "shipping processing" email from them, pissed off, i assume it shipped, and ill see it soon. I dont see it, finally-today, the 15th, i find out that it shipped out. Everything was "in stock" and ready to go. I payed for 3 day shipping, and had to wait 12 days for it to ship. Granted, it was only another three dollars, so i didnt get totally fusked, but still. They are 2/2 on being exceptionally slow.

To those who are wondering, i did NOT try to contact them, 3 dollars isnt really a big deal, i just want to put it out there, incase anybody needs a part quick, and decides to order from them, especially if you are going to pay for overnight to your race that weekend.

No hard feelings towards them, they just arent the "normal" later that day, or next day shipping bike shops like go-ride and ride-this.


3 Dude Approved
Kerry and the boys just moved the whole shop from a 3k sq foot shop to a MONSTER one and its full already so they have been busy for a while now...
Its been hectic there Rob builds my wheels and Mike does my derailurres and they have been slammed with hte move as Ben and the rest...
Yeah sometimes they delay but RARELY they have a fedex box dropped off to load and unload during the busy season daily...

Ill vouge for the delays recently not any in the past but lately its been the MASSIVE move to the new shop... Growing and doing it fast...
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demo 9

Turbo Monkey
Jan 31, 2007
north jersey
Kerry and the boys just moved the whole shop from a 3k sq foot shop to a MONSTER one and its full already so they have been busy for a while now...
Its been hectic there Rob builds my wheels and Mike does my derailurres and they have been slammed with hte move as Ben and the rest...
Yeah sometimes they delay but RARELY they have a fedex box dropped off to load and unload during the busy season daily...

Ill vouge for the delays recently not any in the past but lately its been the MASSIVE move to the new shop... Growing and doing it fast...
I have no hate, and i hope to see it change, its not a bad business, i just want to let everybody know, i only ordered from them this time, since it was in stock and i could have been riding right now (but im waiting)

The reason sounds legit, and i trust that they may be moving, im more happy to hear that you know them, and can speak for why, instead of having a few more jump on board slamming their ship speed.


3 Dude Approved
I have no hate, and i hope to see it change, its not a bad business, i just want to let everybody know, i only ordered from them this time, since it was in stock and i could have been riding right now (but im waiting)

The reason sounds legit, and i trust that they may be moving, im more happy to hear that you know them, and can speak for why, instead of having a few more jump on board slamming their ship speed.
Yeah if you call you will hear the recording tellign people about the new store... Rob used to build all the wheelsets for the Intense DH team, Mike wrenched for overseas XC racers, and so on they are a really well stacked store... Overworked but stacked and a legit place...

They already moved this last week but you have to take into accouns ALL the inventory dispay racks and chattle fixtures then building the new MASSIVE shop service area, storage and basically taking a RAW facility (old grocery store) and making it accomodate the business..
Good looking for sure Ill pop a pic or 2 tomorrow Ill be there getting new bearings for my new hadley wheelet... The front ones seized after 2 months and locked SOLID... Hadley sent down new bearings and I had her just ship to them Ill go swap them tomorrow... Ill pop a couple of pics and post em...:thumb:


3 Dude Approved
I think it is.... I never went to beyond or ordered from them so I have no idea what the issue is with them. I heard stuff and avoided them at all cost as well as airbomb and ride-this.....had rear luck with BLING though and don't know too many people that have had issues with them....


3 Dude Approved
Alright so I talked to kerry, he was not the owner there he worked there and got out before it went to complete $hit.
He went and opened bikebling to do it right...He wants no affiliation with beyond he was a front man trying to help make it happen for them and regardless of the outcome he bailed when it got bad and took what he learned from the experience and opened his own show...

Per kerry tonight...
Alright so I talked to kerry, he was not the owner there he worked there and got out before it went to complete $hit.
He went and opened bikebling to do it right...He wants no affiliation with beyond he was a front man trying to help make it happen for them and regardless of the outcome he bailed when it got bad and took what he learned from the experience and opened his own show...

Per kerry tonight...

FYI, Byond bikes was my LBS and i was in there alot so i kinda saw it all 1st hand. They always had really good wheel builders and some of the guys in the back were rippers but the owner (tony Elsworth brother named mike) and Kerry are complete and utter pieces of poo. Kerry is so shady that when irate people would call i could hear him answer the phone in one of 5 names at all times. Go call him "sam" and you'll see its one of his "other" names. I could go on for days but please do not be fooled by his new colors much less blaming all of beyond bikes troubles on Mike. Kerry ran that place. He sold used cars before bikes. Yeah.
Sleaze bag Kerry = beyond bikes.
Its ok as long as you only go in for parking lot clearance salesbike demos and what not just dont forget what hes all about.
In fact give it a few months and i'll bet you'll start to see Bike Bling horror stories in this forum.
I hope i'm not right
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Sep 13, 2006
Pittsburgh, PA
I ordered some stuff twice from Bike Bling last summer. The first time was fine, but the second time I also remember thinking it took a few days for the stuff to ship out, not quite as fast as other places. Then they ended up shipping me the wrong tire, but since I needed it for the weekend I had to use it anyway so I couldn't return it. I then just had to reorder the right one and they said it would be free shipping, then a few days later the shipping charge showed up on my card. I didn't bother arguing over $10, but I won't be ordering anything from them again.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
Great to know...I was thinking of ordering an angleset from them, but it looks like typical beyond bikes douchebaggery (lowest price around, if you ever see the product).


3 Dude Approved
Well then i stand to be corrected, Kerry hooks me up on stuff and has for sometime at bikebling... My experience has not been from a shipping standpoint but a retail shopper... and depending on his mood dictates if we make a deal or not LOL...

So as far as online goes I hope he has corrected the past, I cant speak for that side of things at all... Only what I know from my own dealings there... And they have been super positive, yeah they make mistakes im sure but the tire thing they should have hooked it up a bit being it was there erre based on whats told and the shipping Id have gotten it back based on principal Im sure that its an oversight and someone saw the ticket and punched it up... Theres more than 1 person back there and they all do online as well as a couple do retail... Mostly the shop guys handle retail and thats rob/mike who are stand up guys... A bit overworked but studs none the less...

So I agree with being burnt on stuff Id be hesitant for good reason especially witht he cost of stuff for our sport..... LOL


Dec 10, 2010
San Diego
Kerry just needs to have people run his store and himself just step away - I go in there and he has...literally...two ear pieces in and his cell in hand which leads to lousy customer service...you can't tell if he is talking to you or not - I'll give it to Bike Bling and the stock though...BEST in all of SoCal...period!