

May 26, 2004
I saw on Fox news this morning Homeland Security is building these domestic terrorist operation centers in each state !

How did this steel get cut like this?


Turbo Monkey
Jun 20, 2006
You are both non believers, Jesus is looking down on you right now.

Next you are going to show the pentagon with a hole and no airplane to be found.


98th percentile on my SAT & all I got was this tin
Yea, because we might have forgotten.:nope:
I think you are missing the point. The photo I posted is of the fuel exploding on impact at WTC2. Once said fuel has been burned up in an explosion, it cannot continue to burn and add heat to melt the steel structure, as it has already been burned. Get it?

WTF is wrong with you? :rant:
Plenty, but I didn't start this thread to talk about me. I started it to point out the errors in BurleyShirley's logic, and to commemorate Patriot Day, which I noticed printed on my calendar this morning.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
I think you are missing the point. The photo I posted is of the fuel exploding on impact at WTC2. Once said fuel has been burned up in an explosion, it cannot continue to burn and add heat to melt the steel structure, as it has already been burned. Get it?
And everything on the floors where they hit were covered by asbestos, so there's absolutely no chance that these huge jet fuel explosions lit anything else on fire.


98th percentile on my SAT & all I got was this tin
...there's absolutely no chance that these huge jet fuel explosions lit anything else on fire.
Actually, it is quite likely that the explosions did catch things on fire, but these things were ordinary office equipment and paper and stuff. Making this really not much different from an ordinary building fire. None of these things burn hot enough to melt steel, and as discussed previously, no steel framed structure has ever collapsed due to fire, but on this day 3 buildings did, and one of them wasn't even hit by a plane. Weird.

you should be remembering the thousands that died today.
I am. Remember, I had family that died in WTC1. The first plane pretty much landed on his desk.

all you conspiracy theroist should curl up into a ball and die. take your extra fuel and shove it up your ass
What's up with the unpleasantry? Do you really mean to insult the families of those who were lost on this day?


I'm Mr. Negative! I Fail!
Aug 2, 2008
Im over here now
What's up with the unpleasantry? Do you really mean to insult the families of those who were lost on this day?
you and all of your fellow conspiracist are insulting the people who died.

its quite obvious at what happened. there were no missles, there were no pre-set bombs, there were no goverment agencies hoping that this would happen.

i loathe this day because people like you have your head up your ass at what happened
im truely sorry for your family's loss on this day 8 years ago, but wake up


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Actually, it is quite likely that the explosions did catch things on fire, but these things were ordinary office equipment and paper and stuff. Making this really not much different from an ordinary building fire. None of these things burn hot enough to melt steel, and as discussed previously, no steel framed structure has ever collapsed due to fire, but on this day 3 buildings did, and one of them wasn't even hit by a plane. Weird.
Rick, I think all that tinfoil is messing with your sarcasm detector :clue:

you should be remembering the thousands that died today. take your extra fuel and shove it up your ass

Steve thousands of people die every day.


I'm Mr. Negative! I Fail!
Aug 2, 2008
Im over here now
Steve thousands of people die every day.

really Jon, gee i didnt know that. and i guess they all die from cowards that fly planes into buildings too huh?

I just wanted to be sure he IH8Rice knew who he was attacking personally. I wonder how many of his family members were lost at the WTC.
so i have to of lost someone during this day to realize the obvious??


i would attack anyone who thinks the government did this or that there is some other underlying conspiracy theory regarding this day.

get out of your fallout shelter and realize that some fvcks crashed three planes and thats that


98th percentile on my SAT & all I got was this tin
you and all of your fellow conspiracist are insulting the people who died.
I disagree. I believe those who continue to blindly believe the official conspiracy theory, even in light of much evidence against its truth are those that insult those lost.

its quite obvious at what happened. there were no missles, there were no pre-set bombs, there were no goverment agencies hoping that this would happen.
I believe that planes did strike the WTC, and I don't recall saying anything about missiles, but I am not so sure about your next two statements... especially the last one.

im truely sorry for your family's loss on this day 8 years ago
thank you

but wake up
I suggest you do the same.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
really Jon, gee i didnt know that. and i guess they all die from cowards that fly planes into buildings too huh?

No, but what they have in common is that a lot of these deaths are preventable.

i would attack anyone who thinks the government did this or that there is some other underlying conspiracy theory regarding this day.

get out of your fallout shelter and realize that some fvcks crashed three planes and thats that
The strongest "conspiracy" case is the same one that lingers about Pearl Harbor - that is, the gov't had intelligence that the attack was going to take place (had they been paying attention), yet did nothing about it.

Steve, I'm surprised you have time for this. Shouldn't you be in Kenya looking for Obama's birth certificate? :weee:


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
I disagree. I believe those who continue to blindly believe the official conspiracy theory, even in light of much evidence against its truth are those that insult those lost.
I actually agree with Rick for once. To not find out the actual truth behind this tragic series of events is an insult to everyone who perished. Except for the ones that had the box cutters.


I'm Mr. Negative! I Fail!
Aug 2, 2008
Im over here now
I disagree. I believe those who continue to blindly believe the official conspiracy theory, even in light of much evidence against its truth are those that insult those lost.
my brother was in the city when it happened....as did half of the world via tv.

how crazy do you have to be to think that the government or some other evil orginaztion staged this?

4 planes. WTC 1 & 2, Pentagon and Shanksville.
I've done my homework. Have you?
right, my mistake....4 planes.


I'm Mr. Negative! I Fail!
Aug 2, 2008
Im over here now
The strongest "conspiracy" case is the same one that lingers about Pearl Harbor - that is, the gov't had intelligence that the attack was going to take place (had they been paying attention), yet did nothing about it.

Steve, I'm surprised you have time for this. Shouldn't you be in Kenya looking for Obama's birth certificate? :weee:
that actually isnt a conspiracy theory. its been proven that they did know about it.

and i could care less about Oscama. i didnt vote for him and all of his intiatives have nothing to do with me.
im glad that a Kenyan was able to become prez. im voting for Schwarzenager next time around


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
Ugh, "Patriot Day". Just another excuse to turn meaningful remembrance into some cheezy overblown symbol of American overindulgence. Kind of like how the day that we're (supposed) to remember our fallen military members becomes nothing more than a kickoff for summer bar-b-ques, the day where we're supposed to be thankful for what we have and cherish family and friendship becomes just another excuse to eat your body weight in food, and the celebration of the birth of the major deity in this country becomes a big fat guy in a red suit handing out presents in a desperate effort to drive the capitalistic consumerism that encourages us to borrow money that we don't have so that we can spend it on crap other people don't need in the hopes that they feel guilty enough to borrow money that THEY don't have so that they can give US crap we don't need.

So now "Patriot Day" is being pushed by conspiracy theorists and chest-thumping right-wingers alike in an effort to play on our emotions and get their viewpoints across. No thank you. I'll remember this day just as I have each other Sept 11th, with a quiet dinner at home alone with my wife, thankful that we have each other but also knowledgeable that anything can happen at any time and we have to cherish each and every moment that we have together.


98th percentile on my SAT & all I got was this tin
that actually isnt a conspiracy theory. its been proven that they did know about it.
Wait a sec. So you are saying that there was a time when the US Government knew about an upcoming attack and did nothing to prevent it, and then used the attack to shape public opinion?

Well then. I guess such an idea that something like that may have happened in this case is clearly unprecedented. :rolleyes:


i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
Rather than a conspiracy theory, I prefer this controversial ad campaign from a few years ago. It covers a lot more than 9-11

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98th percentile on my SAT & all I got was this tin
I'll remember this day just as I have each other Sept 11th, with a quiet dinner at home alone with my wife, thankful that we have each other but also knowledgeable that anything can happen at any time and we have to cherish each and every moment that we have together.
You truly wise.

Me? I will be going for a ride.


I'm Mr. Negative! I Fail!
Aug 2, 2008
Im over here now
Wait a sec. So you are saying that there was a time when the US Government knew about an upcoming attack and did nothing to prevent it, and then used the attack to shape public opinion?

Well then. I guess such an idea that something like that may have happened in this case is clearly unprecedented. :rolleyes:
IF, and thats a BIG IF, the government knew about what happened on 9/11, it has nothing to do with what crap you are spitting about something else bringing the towers down.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002

How many times do you have to have your ass handed to you by some of the better minds than your own, who post on this forum? I mean, time and time again you get exposed as not knowing what in the fvck you're talking about, and yet you return again, just as staunch in your beliefs when they've been shown to be baseless.

I seriously think you have mental problems.


98th percentile on my SAT & all I got was this tin
How many times do you have to have your ass handed to you by some of the better minds than your own, who post on this forum? I mean, time and time again you get exposed as not knowing what in the fvck you're talking about, and yet you return again, just as staunch in your beliefs when they've been shown to be baseless.
Really? I don't recall that. I do recall some debates, but I just don't recall having my ass handed to me. Links please.

I seriously think you have mental problems.
Perhaps. But I am not crazy enough to believe that jet fuel that the whole world saw explode outside a building provided a fuel source for burning inside a building.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
I saw on Fox news this morning Homeland Security is building these domestic terrorist operation centers in each state !

How did this steel get cut like this?

Yeah, amazing.

Im sure they had one long steel beam, the height of the entire WTC with no welds, rivets or other connectors that could snap under the weight of a collapsing building.
I bet they had a hard time hauling such a beam through the streets of NYC, but whatever.
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98th percentile on my SAT & all I got was this tin
and RR - if fuel burns instantaneously, why did this fuel storage plant burn for 2 days??? http://www.kmbc.com/news/16523661/detail.html
Interesting. I'm guessing that an airplane contains considerably less than 1.2 million gallons of fuel. I also suspect that the fuel was contained by the tank, since that is what tanks do. Please explain how fuel that clearly exploded outside a building was contained inside the building to continue to burn.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Perhaps. But I am not crazy enough to believe that jet fuel that the whole world saw explode outside a building provided a fuel source for burning inside a building.
I am under the belief that the explosions were large enough to be both inside and outside the buildings, but that's just my own crazy theory.