
Hippies stink.


Texans fan - LOL
Aug 13, 2007
They just stink. I don't care if you bath or not, patchouli is not a f*#king cologne. :rant:
Well, apparently, technically it is:
You can make your own richness enhancing perfume oil by adding 10 to 15 drops of patchouli oil, some cinnamon oil and vetiver to a 15 milliliter bottle, then filling the bottle with a scentless blending oil such as grapeseed or apricot kernel oil. Don't apply essential oils directly to your skin, as some of them are quite strong and can burn. To make a light perfume spray, let handfuls of the dried herb steep in vodka for several weeks, then strain the alcohol off the herb. This scented alcohol, called a patchouli tincture, can be diluted with water to make a cologne spray and blended with other tinctures to create your own personalized scent.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
Things guaranteed to repel hippie :

  • soap, any kind will do

  • pepper spray, pretty much all purpose

  • job applications

  • raw meat

  • leather, preferably a whip

  • burning an effigy of Jerry Garcia

  • hair clippers or any other devise used for grooming


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
BTW, it was Jerry Night at the Giants game yesterday. Not surprisingly, a lot of my friends attended.


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
I take body odor over any smelly sprays or deodorants any day. All those products reek and are foul to my nose! I don't think I've purchased a pit stick in a decade.


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
Why spray chemicals all over your body and blind one of the key senses? I got married this weekend and damn she smells good. I am attracted to her natural body odor though, not whatever bottle of crap she bought at the store. I understand that people are self conscious about how they smell and feel like they need to buy things and hide. So it's no big deal


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
Why spray chemicals all over your body and blind one of the key senses? I got married this weekend and damn she smells good. I am attracted to her natural body odor though, not whatever bottle of crap she bought at the store. I understand that people are self conscious about how they smell and feel like they need to buy things and hide. So it's no big deal
Congrats! Welcome to the cool married folks club. :thumb:


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
My friend's report from the game (btw he is no hippie but a big Giants fan).

He sat in the section with all the hippies and got a Jerry Garcia bobblehead.

He said there were no minority hippies whatsoever, a sea of white as he described it (btw, usually there is a nice mix at regular games).

Apparently, hippies go to very few games because they kept standing in the aisles and hugging each other. My friend had to yell "SIT DOWN" multiple times.

I did say that I wish I had gone, because I would be yelling things like, "Hey, the Phish concert is in Berkeley" or "Bob Weir is getting a hotdog in the lobby"

By the end of the game, my friends were like "Let's just smoke up here". They are regular Giants fans so they took some caution to hide the pot smoking, but the people in front of them wanted to toke, and they just blew clouds into the sky.

About 30 seconds later, security arrived to take the people in the front away. My friends think security might have gotten confused and missed them, so they snuck away by the next out.

And they heard that in the upper deck, people were getting ejected constantly for smoking pot.