
My rides, part of the Transition Family

May 1, 2006
The ADK's
ok, so i decided to post pictures of my bikes, let me know what you think, and lets see what you other Transition owners have. i have had a Dirtbag since they first came out and i love the bike. this is my current Dirtbag and i must say it is really nice the best set up i have had for the frame it feels great. The Preston FR i have had since last winter, i built it up as i do all my bikes from the frame up. I got the Preston because i was in need of a more trail friendly bike, but soon learned it can handle so much more. The Gran Mal is no longer with me, i also bought this bike last winter and built it up, i had it for most of the season and did a bunch of races on it and the bike is awesome, loves to go fast and loves to hit the big stuff freeriding. i ran into a financial issue and had to come up with some money fast. so the bike that gets the least ride time had to go. i really, really hated to see the frame go, but i had to do it. Major BUMMER!!Transition puts out a serious product and backs it up. if you have any of there products and or have talked with Kevin, Kyle and Cam you know what im talking about. i couldnt be happier.



Aug 2, 2006
is that a 2007 Fox Talas? or Van?...how is it compared to the 06...better bottom out resistance?


Feb 20, 2004
Alexandria, VA
Sweet bikes - my new Preston FR should be on its way to me now :)

I can't wait to get it built up and on the trail. I'll be building it with leftover parts from my 2004 P3 frame so it should be a pretty burly build.

I'll post pics here if this thread is still kicking by that time. Should be just over a week.

Then I'll be hunting for a tour of some of the good spots around VA/MD/DC.
May 1, 2006
The ADK's
reply to gadafi:
I have a 2006 Talas 36r on my Preston and a 2006 Van 36r on my dirtbag, i cant compare them with the newer models, but i can tell you that these forks are amazing, super plush, stiff, and the adjustments work very well you can feel each click change the performace of the fork, unlike some forks that you turn and turn the nob with no difference. how do you like the marzocchi fork on your bikes, are you running the 66rc2x and the z1 sport?


Aug 2, 2006

I have always been a Marzocchi fan. Reliable, bury and so freakin smooth...i have a rc2x on my dirtbag and a z1 light eta on my preston...i have a few runs on a 36 VAN r(friends bike) and i like it also...it is the best fork for trail riding, but as soon as stuff gets harsher i find it bottoms out too easy....even with compression dialed all the way and with harder springs it still bottoms out pretty easily...
but i'm sure 2007 Fox won't have that problem...


Jun 16, 2005
gadafi, I love the setup on the preston. That's the way I would have it. I've always wanted one but i'm doing more lift served riding, so I need a little more travel. By the way, how does it ride through the rough and on the big hits?


Aug 2, 2006
Freerider697 said:
gadafi, I love the setup on the preston. That's the way I would have it. I've always wanted one but i'm doing more lift served riding, so I need a little more travel. By the way, how does it ride through the rough and on the big hits?
The Dirtbag feels like a couch riding through the big stuff, the Preston however has a hardtail feeling, rides like my old Cove Stiffee, very agile, easy to throw around, and with a pinpoint accuracy, the bike loves skinnies and ladders....it's the perfect bike for trail riding, but it can handle rougher stuff too....i had some problems with bottoming the 4-way than dialed in the SPV and it's freat now, the bike feels like it would have at least 6" in the back...IMO one of the most versatile bikes in the market...

I WONDER HOW THE BOTTLEROCKET PERFORMS:love: it sure does look sick...me want one


Jun 16, 2005
cool, thanks. I am thinking about a future bike already! I just got my AS-X last season. For the next season or the one after that, its either the bottlerocket, another AS-X, or the preston. It really depends on my budget. ANYWAY... thanks


Sep 23, 2001
here 'n there
bjanga - you're gonna be stoked on that vagrant! nice, glad to see you got one. mine is treating me oh-so-right. I've taken it on 2,500 vert climbs no problem (altho it's a tad bit heavy), shuttles, DJ's...it's all a blast. It's serving as my XC/DJ/bash-around everything bike for now.

Freerider - I've also got an AS-X as my big bike and love it to death. I'm really curious about whether they change it next year w/ the 303 rails...

p.s. the preston builds in this thread are tha hotness.

my Vagrant: it's definitely not this clean/scratch-free anymore.
May 1, 2006
The ADK's
Polandspring88 said:
What tires are on the Preston? At first glance they look like Holy Rollers, but that doesn't make much sense to me.
you are correct, I have holly rollers on my Preston, at first i had Intense system 4's on it and was doing a lot of trail riding and light freeriding. recently i have been doing a lot of dirt jumping with my Preston and have been trying rythm sections alot of pumping, i had the holly rollers left over from one of my hardtails so i decided to put them on. the Preston is so much faster on hard pack and performs even better, i love how smooth it rolls now, saves me on the dirtjump parks that require pedaling. i end up changing tires alot but that no biggy, i hope to have another set of wheels soon and that will make the tire change easier.
May 1, 2006
The ADK's
gadafi said:

I have always been a Marzocchi fan. Reliable, bury and so freakin smooth...i have a rc2x on my dirtbag and a z1 light eta on my preston...i have a few runs on a 36 VAN r(friends bike) and i like it also...it is the best fork for trail riding, but as soon as stuff gets harsher i find it bottoms out too easy....even with compression dialed all the way and with harder springs it still bottoms out pretty easily...
but i'm sure 2007 Fox won't have that problem...
just this past year i decided to try fox, i have always had Marzocchi and never had any complaints, they have always been reliable and very strong and pretty plush. i had a chance to ride a fox 36 van and i really liked it so i wanted one, i got a super deal on the Talas 36 and couldnt pass it up, i loved the Talas 36 so much i had to have a Van 36 so i got one. so far i have no complaints on either fork, both are super plush, and the adjustments are amazing, they really work. I have ridden the Van 36 through some pretty narly stuff and i havent bottomed it yet it really holds its own. both are under a year old so im not sure how reliable they will end up being but i couldnt be happier right now.


Jun 16, 2005
Summit- Yea I love my yeti as my big and only bike. In the six inch setting it feels oh so good and It pedals pretty well too. I do hope they change it a bit though. More standover would be great and a little shorter seat tube too. What is this about the rails? On the AS-X? That would be killer


Feb 20, 2004
Alexandria, VA
matt2991 said:
I wish transistion wasn't soo much $$$$$$
Actually I think their bikes are really priced low for what you get. The Preston is the freeride bike of the year and yet the frame is only 900 bucks. Most full suspension frames cost well over a grand.
May 1, 2006
The ADK's
Del said:
Actually I think their bikes are really priced low for what you get. The Preston is the freeride bike of the year and yet the frame is only 900 bucks. Most full suspension frames cost well over a grand.

ill second that, when you compare the frames and the product value Transition is on the low end of the cost spectrum. if you purchase the whole bike the price goes up because your paying for top quality parts that go with it, no junk on there stuff just the best!! Transiton offers good bang for your buck.


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
have not had any real ride time on it yet, so i cannot comment. it feels good riding around the block. once i get the spider for my cranks, i can put them on. this build is just a temporary setup with parts pirated from my other bike.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 25, 2004
San Diego
The Vagrant is coming together. Summit, I originally wanted a blue one but they were out of stock. I am glad I ended up with a black one though. How do you like your fork? Mine is topping out, I need to czech the oil levels. What does yours weigh? I think mine is going to come around 34 pounds.

PS . . . prestons are hot. I almost bought one.


Feb 25, 2002
Terra Forma
I held my new Bottlerocket frame today!! Showed up at HalfLink shop this afternoon, Fox Talas RC2 and DHX 5 Air show up tomorrow or Monday. David says he can get more Transition frames and can get the Fox shocks no problem. Give him a call! 360-321-7980


Jul 29, 2006
Salt Lake City
I have had my ToP for about 8 months, but have been riding it a lot more lately. It's a sweet ride.

Just stole the DeeMaxs from another bike I am selling, so it has some bling now!



May 1, 2006
The ADK's

nice DirtBag bro. i love that color. how do you like the roco? im sure its a super plush ride. im interested in how the wheels are holding up for you. i almost bought a pair fo the Deetrax, nice looking, and nice price for a set that claims to be like the Deemax. killer bike man, glad you posted in the mix.


Nov 24, 2005
Henniker NH

nice DirtBag bro. i love that color. how do you like the roco? im sure its a super plush ride. im interested in how the wheels are holding up for you. i almost bought a pair fo the Deetrax, nice looking, and nice price for a set that claims to be like the Deemax. killer bike man, glad you posted in the mix.
thanks man
as for the roco it is super plush....SUPER PLUSH...it is a sweet shock for the big mountains, but for my local trails it has its downsides..it is not a shock to get if you plan on doing any uphill but I'm loving it so far...and as for the deetrax, I couldn't be happier. Strong rim(same as a EX729) and a good hub(same hub as the deemax) for the price paid it is sweet,I paid $350.00 plus an extra $28.00 for the Mavic MP3 plan(a 3 year,no questions asked warranty)
the wheelset is strong and affordable and the whole wheelset only weights in 188 grams(less then 1/2 pound) more the the deemax wheelset
I have ridden the wheelset and tried to abuse them for 2 reasons #1 to see how much abuse they can take and #2 if I destory them I want to see how well Mavic stands behind the warranty
I have yet to knock them out of true and not even a lose spoke yet..I'm empressed

now my only problem is trying to come up with the extra funds to pick up a Preston FR


Sep 23, 2001
here 'n there
bjanga, not sure what mine comes in at total weight - need to run it by the shop and find out. I'd guess mid-30's though.

my fork isn't nearly as plush as my AM1 or older Z1, but it gets the job done. single hits are fine on it, but I rode at Fruita this weekend and I was getting some topping out and some just crappy feel at high speeds/stutter bumps. I've heard that's a symptom of the VF2 damping; wish it were a little nicer feeling but it's still light years ahead from the POS Manipoo I had on my last hardtail. At least I trust the Zoke...

A couple more pics in action from the weekend at Fruita/Grand Junction:

The Vagrant can climb:

...almost as well as it can jump (the white lines indicate the lower stage of a double step-down line; the camera died once I was hitting it):



Turbo Monkey
Dec 25, 2004
San Diego
My fork is topping out hard. If it is the VF2 system then shame out Marz for putting out crap. My Drop-off II felt better than this. I am trying to figure out how to fix my fork before I ride.

35 pounds:


Sep 23, 2001
here 'n there
Sick lookin frame man! Digging the black for sure. On the fork, I just messed around with mine some more and think I figured it out. Top-out isn't too big a problem on mine, but I think there was an issue w/ the rebound. I wasn't checking too closely, and just assumed the sticker with the +/- directions meant + = faster rebound. Not so. If you turn it all the way to + it rebounds slower than a snail.

Anyway learning this, I got it to feel pretty good (better than it has so far) in the parking lot test. A buddy of mine who works at a shop has one and also said it took him a few rides to get it broken in (typical of Marz), and that it was nice and plush once he got it dialed, so don't give up on it yet. I'll take it on a real trail ride/DJ sess tomorrow and let you know how it does.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 25, 2004
San Diego
OK summit that calms me down. I think something is awry with my damper, it feels like I have about 10mm of undamped travel at the beginning of the stroke and that is what is giving me the gnarly topout. Apparently you can get an extended negative travel spring from Marzocchi that makes the fork feel better but eats 20mm of travel.

Can you feel it top out when it is set to a slower rebound setting?