
People suck with schedules - I'm only hanging out with robots from now on.


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
today is the culmination of a week of ass-hattery. i had scheduled lunch with a friend for monday (yesterday). i get the call (i was expecting) about 11am saying she couldn't make lunch because of a work deadline. i'm understanding and ask when she can reschedule. she says tuesday (today). i approve and we agree on noon. at 11:50 i txt her about lunch being almost here. at noon, i'm at the agreed upon location and waiting. waiting. waiting. no call. no reply to the txt. nothing. at 12:15 i call it quits and head back to my office and crack open my back-up meal. 12:45 arrives with a txt about "sorry, i'm a flake. you eat lunch so early." wtf? don't agree on noon if you can't hack it.

yesterday, i had contacted a guy about a bass amp for sale on craigslist. i called him and asked if i could come over that night. he said to call him back later for details. i called him and left a msg. no reply yet.

i've been trying to schedule a tuesday night to hang out w/ a friend at a club that goes on every tuesday. for the past month, i've been getting last minute txt msgs saying "can't make it, next week instead?"

i had a date w/ a new grrrlie scheduled last thursday. she got sick with the flu (it seemed genuine, but could be just an excuse). over email, i told her to contact me when she was healthy. i have yet to hear back from her and i'm debating the merit of being "the nice guy" and checking in, or just waiting for her to make a move.

as if that isn't enough, i had a gig scheduled with my band for last saturday. i emailed a boatload of friends about it. i got radio silence from most, so i didn't expect a huge turnout. i did have a few say "yes" or "maybe" and not show. of course, the venue was in a weird location and the fires in LA made getting around a bit rough on the freeway. i don't hold this against anyone, but the experience adds to the feeling of people being flakes, particularly when viewed alongside the other flake-like events of the past week.

i hate people. i'm only hanging out with robots.



Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
You need better friends.

Or at the very least, hold your friends accountable. As for the first girl, ask her why she doesn't value your friendship and time. Let her know that you're busy and make time to see her; why doesn't she do the same.

People will walk over you if you give them the opportunity.


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
yeah. no sizzle. California - what isn't fruits and nuts is flakes.

i debated calling the 1st girl when she was running late for lunch to find out why, but decided it wasn't my place to do so. she was late. y'all hit the nail on the head with letting people walk all over you if you show them they can do it once.

i fully forgot about my own band having flakey moments, where certain members have a habit of calling off our ONCE A WEEK rehearsal with less than 24 hours notice. really kids? we are all dudes in our 30's; we can figure this out.

i have another performance-art group tha gives me the same heartburn. i feel like the brain of a dinosaur sending a signal to the tail, then having to wait patiently while the impulse travels down yards of nerve endings before i see a reaction. the delay gets long enough, i begin to wonder if i even sent the signal.

hell, my job is like this. i get a boss up my @$$ about a project, then i send it to him for review and he gives it the back-burner treatment. our business partners can't even respond to emails about projects we work on. what a friggin mess.

really, what are the options. at some point, when you start cutting off the flakes, how long before you find you have two or three reliable buds? i've been working on categorizing peeps by level of flakiness. perhaps something along these lines, using technology for lines of demarcation:

Myspace friends - those who met you once or saw your page on the interenet and think you might be fun to hang out with some day, but not woth the effort to make plans for hanging. they will say hi to you in a club/bar and give you a hug or a hand shake. not particularly responsive to anything other than lighthearted goofing.

Email friends - those who can give you a bit more depth of friendship than Myspace friends and capable of having longer, more meaningful exchanges, but aren't particularly quick to respond on a regular basis. If they don't feel like responding to you, they will just ignore you.

Evite friends - the upper crust of "Email friends"; they might show up to an event if you give them enough advance warning. They will have enough respect to at least reply "no" or "maybe" to an invite (RSVP does not mean "only reply if you ae gonna make it."

Txt msg friends - You would give these people your phone number. They are quicker to reply than Email friends, but are not always capable of the same depth in response... they are limited to 160 characters.

Phone friends - These people will call you back. They will talk to you. They will listen to you. They don't always show up in person, but they aren't afraid to speak to you about it.

IRL friends - These are the people who show up and do stuff, like have a beer, go for a ride, and hide the bodies.


Sep 7, 2001
Molalla Oregon
Nice guys are like pubic toilets they all way get peed on,I was dating this chick for a year ,and we would talk and then some thing would come up and she wold say I will call you right back ,well it would some times take her days :banghead::banghead:,and then the other day she desided that we will be just friends OK I said so she found out I made friends with another chick and she went balistic and mean ,so I unloaded on her she has not spoken with me since then ,what sucks is I`am so in love with her ,but she is wreck and I need to get on :banghead::banghead::banghead:


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
I found most people in SoCal are generally unreliable and overall incompetent. Why do you think I'm back on the East Coast???
because you were incapable living up to the employment standards required to hold down a job in SoCal, where the population of coworkers was "overall incompenent"?


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
Just start cutting the chaff from the whole deal.

I had friends like this.
I don't any more.

Word has gotten out that I have a short fuse for this sort of noise, and will share my opinion with you on how much you suck without hesitation.

I don't have a lot of friends, but the ones I do I know would do anything for me, and vice versa.


I'm Mr. Negative! I Fail!
Aug 2, 2008
Im over here now
start talking to yourself and listen to the voices in your head....theyre never late, and always there when you need to talk to someone.

Necro said it best;
"I talk to myself cause giving my own self therapy's cheaper"


Turbo Monkey
Feb 23, 2004
Just start cutting the chaff from the whole deal.

I had friends like this.
I don't any more.

Word has gotten out that I have a short fuse for this sort of noise, and will share my opinion with you on how much you suck without hesitation.

I don't have a lot of friends, but the ones I do I know would do anything for me, and vice versa.
listen to this dude.

actually knowing a few people is way better than pretending to know a whole bunch of people.


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
No, because I can only tolerate being surrounded by muppets for so long.
Comparing the lovable and fun muppets, such as my hero Lew Zealand, to ass hat so-cal bail out bunch is unfair.

How can you not love this man? He throws the fish, but they keep coming back to him.


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
Dude - it's you...


I have very few people that I consider "freinds"... maybe 10? Keep in mind I've lived in 7 states and am 37 yrs old. A freind is solid no matter what - and I don't give a sh*t if they blow me off...

In life there are freinds and buddies - totally differe levels. When you start re-evluating people you'll realize that most of your "freinds" are actually just buddies.

Personally it's not a bad thing... there are only so many people I can help bury a corpse.


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
You should watch more Muppets.
People like people who like muppets.


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
I can see one constant in all your stories.


Do something.
yeah, i'm a hard guy to like. time to wake up and smell that coffee brewing. probably closer to the truth is that i'm an easy guy to like, which is why i have lots of people who i am friendly with, but i'm a hard guy to keep up with. i've seen the constant theme of me being the only (or one of the few) people in my circle who has a day job making decent money, hasn't been saddled with kids, doesn't have a mortgage to pay on an anchor of declining property value, and hasn't given in to being a fat old fart. however, this takes us on a slightly different twist to my original rant (being that people ignore schedules, or won't even make one to begin with). anyone else having the 30-something experience of watching members of the herd fall by the wayside as "life" drags them closer to death? maybe i'm just becoming the old guy at the party, but i've got no desire to give up on the activities i enjoy.


Short One Marshmallow
Sep 7, 2006
French Alps
I'm toying with you.

I'm 35 and have seen my old mates from NZ get married, have kids and fall into the 9 to 5 routine. Sad really.

My turn next (except the 9-5 thing, fck that!)...