
To get collar bone plated or not?

no skid marks

Jan 15, 2006
ACT Australia
I have a snapped collar bone, and snapped shoulder blade. Shoulder blade is from one side to the other in two. Collar bone in two also, but seems to be holding itself in position. I was a bit worried hospital hadn't given me enough info, and feedback, as they just gave me a sling and sent me on my way with no handy advice or anything. I was a bit worried as I'm guessing it's sorta serious, and I can't move my arm hardly, so I went and saw a specialist. They said due to the fact both are snapped, my shoulder is not really held in place by anything, and I should get collar bone plated. This operation is booked for thursday. If I hit my collar bone with plate in, it'll snap easier either side of plate. I can get plate removed in a year, but collar bone will be weak until screw holes fill. I really felt the surgeon was drumming up business, and have been advised by a mate to avoid collar bone surgery as his nerves were damaged from it. I already have dodgy nerves on this side from 4 broken arms. Surgery will also cost $1000, and nearly as much to remove plate, not that this is much of a concern. Anyone got any advice for me. Remember, my shoulder seems to be in position, but I'll check in mirror, and feel my collar bone tonight before shower.
I'll upload X ray pics if I can figure out how to on my Mac from the disk.


used an iron once
Jan 20, 2009
I would get it plated, I have done both of my collarbones, both are overlapped, one the outer piece of bone is under the inner bit and the other side is outer bit behind inner bit and I feel more like a retard because it feels like I am twisted whilst walking.

For the first week or so(maybe more with a dud shoulderblade too) you have to try and immobilise the bone while in bed, I ended up getting about three pillows to put me in a sort of sitting position and one under the elbow. Having your body sitting up slightly stops you rolling over in your sleep. I stayed off the pain pills both times so I could feel the bone move so I could work out how to prevent it from happening.

A friend had his plated and was back to work after two weeks and has never had a problem, he told me to get mine done and I really regret not questioning the first frac clinic idiots view on what to do. After trusting the first knob in the frac clinic I later found out my right collarbone should have been rebroken at the two week mark and plated.

My brother put his in to nine pieces and it was left to heal naturally, his shoulder is completely screwed.

Also a lot of time the nurses in Oz know more than the doctors when it comes to fractures so I'd ask them and try a couple of physios/specialists, I didn't know my physio was crap til I found a good one.

Apologies for waffling.


Jun 7, 2007
Warsaw :/
I have a snapped collar bone, and snapped shoulder blade. Shoulder blade is from one side to the other in two. Collar bone in two also, but seems to be holding itself in position. I was a bit worried hospital hadn't given me enough info, and feedback, as they just gave me a sling and sent me on my way with no handy advice or anything. I was a bit worried as I'm guessing it's sorta serious, and I can't move my arm hardly, so I went and saw a specialist. They said due to the fact both are snapped, my shoulder is not really held in place by anything, and I should get collar bone plated. This operation is booked for thursday. If I hit my collar bone with plate in, it'll snap easier either side of plate. I can get plate removed in a year, but collar bone will be weak until screw holes fill. I really felt the surgeon was drumming up business, and have been advised by a mate to avoid collar bone surgery as his nerves were damaged from it. I already have dodgy nerves on this side from 4 broken arms. Surgery will also cost $1000, and nearly as much to remove plate, not that this is much of a concern. Anyone got any advice for me. Remember, my shoulder seems to be in position, but I'll check in mirror, and feel my collar bone tonight before shower.
I'll upload X ray pics if I can figure out how to on my Mac from the disk.
1. It will not snap easier if the plating is done right. The collarbone with the plate will be stronger than without it.

2. You could probably get it removed sooner than 1 year.

3. With a GOOD surgeon there will be no nerve damage. My plate is still in and I have 100% feeling, range or whatever you are afraid off. 100% healthy with the plate in.

4. $1000 is really cheap for a collarbone plating surgery. I live in Poland, a country which by all means should have cheaper medical costs and it was $2000 in $1000 out. Is the plate a standard plate or is it a custom collarbone plate? Are the doctors sports surgeons or regular surgeons

In the end - DO IT. The chances of it going bad without the plate are not super low and it could mean some very unpleasant consequences. On the other hand I was riding xc 3 weeks after surgery, dh - 6 weeks. 2 days after surgery I had NO pain and I was quite comfortable even though I had to use a sling for 3 weeks. The only thing you should do is use some suplementation after surgery. My hair thinned for a while after it but my hair guy says it's normal.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 22, 2008
Boone, NC
Get surgery from someone with a really good rep, don't mess around with shoulders. If you just let it heal it will be shorter then your other collar bone, this will eventually start to pull start of you spine out of line. It's not fun or stable.


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
Get surgery from someone with a really good rep, don't mess around with shoulders. If you just let it heal it will be shorter then your other collar bone, this will eventually start to pull start of you spine out of line. It's not fun or stable.
To have surgery treatment from someone with a really excellent rep, don't clutter around with shoulder area. If you just let it cure it will be smaller then your other receiver cuboid, this will gradually begin to take begin of you backbone out of range. It's not fun or constant.
What kind of bike do you ride Albert?