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  • I think I spent about 5 minutes staring at my computer making motorcycle noises and pretending I could do that.
    i'm bottling my irish stout this weekend. when i racked to secondary at the beginning of january it was at 5%, so i think in the last 4 weeks its milked out the last 2%. but yes. homebrew exchange sounds epic
    Sandy vag? Hilarious!! coming from the airport keyboard prima donna who prides himself in remaining flat on his lazy ass while getting paid to do nothing other than be an internet chat room biotch. laughable
    No? maybe a travel agent? can't be anything too productive with the amount of RM typing time your little fingers log in during a work day.
    I guess it does beat having a real job where your mind and hands have to be in on it at the same time… given that you don’t mind rotting your life away in an airport terminal.
    Fuk you too pal, and your little antagonistic nonsensical schoolyard comments. Living your life through an internet forum must be sweet, huh?
    I drank the 6th Glass Quadruple ale last night. That put me on my ass as well. Glad you liked the Golden Monkey. Just some advice: if you can get the larger style bottle like the one I sent you when you order from the distro, go for that over the 12oz (normal sized) bottles. I've had both, and personally I think it tastes better from the larger bottle.
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