
Intense Hardtail,Tazer


Turbo Monkey
Jan 24, 2006
Hello all,tryin to get back. Got me a peach sitting in the garage. Wondering(not really} if she’s up to date,it’s been a long time? Was thinking about riding a pump track,it’s close bye. I wanna say 2006? It was the last year that Intense was making the Frame,so I bought it. I was going to make some changes,not much,old school 98 20mm Zokie,wheels I have a couple of options,but she is ready now,just needs a Master. Word,just came here to get pumped up,peace.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
got any photos? I loved the tazer, in particular the FS version. I'm not sure that dirt jump technology has really progressed all that much, so your tazer should be just as good now as anything else!


Turbo Monkey
Jan 24, 2006
I have a (alley 108 I think white WheelSmith 113
got any photos? I loved the tazer, in particular the FS version. I'm not sure that dirt jump technology has really progressed all that much, so your tazer should be just as good now as anything else!
yeah brother,I have some photos,just got a firgure out how to post um. I’m kinda shamed to post um,as the dust has collected. I had a life changing experience that put a halt,or I should say I quit everything but work. It’s been 10 years now. I have a DerKerf Implant,a Super 8,the Tazer,and a Draco HardTail with a Monstor T. The Draco Fame and parts were given to me as a friend of mine was paralyzed from the neck down riding his bike.I thought coming and making a post would force me back,as I have to respond. I was just going to ask how much you think this is worth,regarding the Tazer. Then I changed my mind at the last second,so here I am. My friend being paralyzed was not my life changing experience,we are friends to this day. I got the rebuild info on the Zokiea here. Though I have not ridden in ten years,I never stopped reading,staying up to date,not nearly as much as you guys,but enough. I feel so outdated that it Feels like a waste of time. Peace



used an iron once
Jan 20, 2009
Go gentle on it, as far as I'm aware pretty much all of them cracked at the Seat stay/Seat tube junction.

Mine didn't take long to die and Intense gave me an abortion of a frame as a replacement, the "new" frame looked like it just had a bit of square section welded in to fox the issue, the paint and decals on it sucked too.

Luckily it was a pretty quick turnaround, not too far off a year.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 24, 2006
Go gentle on it, as far as I'm aware pretty much all of them cracked at the Seat stay/Seat tube junction.

Mine didn't take long to die and Intense gave me an abortion of a frame as a replacement, the "new" frame looked like it just had a bit of square section welded in to fox the issue, the paint and decals on it sucked too.

Luckily it was a pretty quick turnaround, not too far off a year.
Thanks for the reply. You guys have to get this dam Olympic