
Monarch Crest Ride - August 12-14, 2016


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
Okay, so I tried to organize one of these a few years back but failed mainly because I was a miserable planner. Lesson learned and I'm giving it a go again this year, only this time it will actually pan out.

Monarch Crest has been on my list since I moved out to CO but I haven't gotten around to it yet. Lamesauce I know, but this year is the year. In order to expand my horizons and hopefully have some company, I would like to arrange a ride for us Ridemonkey folk. At this point details are totally up in the air, but the basic premise is shuttle and ride the Monarch Crest trail the weekend of August 12-14.

For those unfamiliar, Monarch Crest is designated one of the IMBA epics. For additional details, pictures, trail statistics and the like please visit the following link. http://www.mtbproject.com/trail/3671983/monarch-crest-imba-epic

Anyone interested in keeping me company?

Full Trucker

6thElement & Wife

Solid Probably Not:
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My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
I'm interested, but it might not be clear of snow in June.
Can you wait until later in the Summer when all of those trails are guaranteed to be free and clear? That would make for a great weekend of camping/riding.

How about the last weekend in July?


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
Last weekend in July would most certainly work for me. Especially if the trails are snow free at that point, I'm not huge on snow bashing. I shall change the proposed date.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
I can always count on your valuable, valuable contributions. I have updated the original post to reflect the solidity of your probably not.

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
So what are ya thinking? Full weekend, ride both days? Crest route proper? Deets, man.

EDIT: cuz if you can ride both days, have a gotta helluva ride for you down near there. Actually, I have a bunch of rides down near them parts but I would probably opt for Canyon Crick as the mission for a Day 2 ride. Hoo-dawg.

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
Canyon Crick is not a mystery... but it's pretty amazing. Full Crest Proper route as IMBA Epic / MTB Project describes (Crest > Silver Creek > Rainbow) doesn't include Greens or Fooses. Doing a full Crest and then knocking out either Greens or Fooses (while doable) is a pretty tall order... I would say Crest proper takes me 4-5 hours when I'm reasonably fit and not really stopping to smell the flowers. Canyon Crick is a decently big ride as well, and while a Greens or Fooses run might be doable it'd be hurty particularly if it's day 2. Just setting expectations is all.

EDIT: Strava tells me my 'all time PR' on Crest is 5:45 which I think means I've done it and not GPS'd it. But who knows. At any rate, it's a big ride is all. And I'm all for doing that route, since we've got a first timer planning that wants to ride it. Plans should be planned accordingly.

EDIT EDIT: Moving time on that ride was 3:56, so apparently I dicked around for over an hour and half on that ride.
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Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
To not ride Agate Creek whilst there for a long weekend would be a travesty. What you guys should shoot for is:

Canyon Crik - Day 1
Agate - Fooses - Green's -Starvation - Day 2
Cool down wtih the Full Crest - Day 3

You should probably consider throwing in Quartz Creek off Canyon while you're up there... 'cause I've never done it. Oh - and think about the north side of Monarch. :brows:


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
Okay, so date wise I'm proposing either 8/12 - 8/14 OR 8/13-8/14. It sounds like there are enough rides down that way to warrant two, perhaps 3 days worth of riding. I'd hate to miss out on some kick ass trails. It sounds like the suggestions that have been thrown out already are some pretty good ones, I'm not familiar with anything outside of the Monarch Crest IMBA ride so I'll have to look them up. I very much appreciate all your input as like you said, I am a first time planner with little knowledge of the area and what we'd be getting into.

As Nick mentioned, it would be camping, riding, and drinking. Nothing fancy, just the way it was intended to be. If you have any awesome friends whose interests align with the general theme of this ride they are more than welcome. The more the merrier, to a degree. Feel free to roll them into the planning stage as well and we can firm up some of the details.

I like where this thread and idea is headed.

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
The only way I'll ever ride Agate again is to descend the first 2 miles and turn around to climb back out to descend something else. Those first 2 miles are the best 2 miles of trail off the Crest, the rest of it sucks.

**NOTE: I've only ridden Agate once and it was 7* outside. Might not be the best ride to make a judgement call.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
So upon further research it would appear the most convenient, established place to camp is Monarch Park Campground. Right near the beginning of the Monarch Crest trail and not too far away from the beginning of Canyon Creek.

Friday 8/12 = Meet up in Golden, get people/vehicles sorted then head out
Saturday 8/13 = Monarch Crest ride
Sunday 8/14 = Canyon Creek ride -> home

I don't mind driving and can take fit 1 other person in my truck. We will need 1 other car to complete the shuttle unless everyone would rather drive down and pay $20 for http://www.monarchcrest.com to shuttle us up to the top.

Thoughts and/or objections to the proposed?


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
The only thing I'd consider is heading out Thursday vs Friday, but that plan sounds good Adv.
I can drive as well, and haul some people/camping gear/misc. and retrieve the shuttle truck.

Canyon creek up looks like a suffer fest.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
The only thing I'd consider is heading out Thursday vs Friday, but that plan sounds good Adv.
I can drive as well, and haul some people/camping gear/misc. and retrieve the shuttle truck.

Canyon creek up looks like a suffer fest.
Sweet. Depending upon how many people are interested in this shindig some could always head out on Thursday to get some extra trail time in. The rest can head out Friday or whenever works for them so long as the campsite and ride schedule is pretty firm.

And Canyon Creek up does look pretty stout. 1000' of vertical is a pretty solid hike-a-bike. Sounds like it's well worth it though.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Count me as a likely. I won't be able to take 2 days off work though, so I'm going to be Friday-Sunday.