
Rebuilding a classic - crankset


Jun 6, 2012

I've decided to rebuild a roady I've had lying around for years. From the research I've done, mainly based on the crankset, it seems like it's a bit of an antique, likely from the mid 80's. Anyway, I want to get this thing going for less than $300.

So the main issue I have right now is with the crankset. I don't have the tools to replace the bottom bracket and I'm only missing the chainrings. I reckon I'll need a double / tripple (at least) 122mm BCD chain ring to get me round the hills. The only reasonably priced chainring I can find that will fit on the net is a stronglight 52 tooth SINGLE from ebay, and not the same brand as the original crankset (orig = aenox).

I guess my question is am I wasting my time trying to avoid replacing the bottom bracket and chainset, can I get a double / tripple chainring cheap anywhere?

As I'm a full blown novice, advice on this or how to switch the bottom bracket (if necessary, considering this bike's an old fart) would be much appreciated.



back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
We need a lot more information before we can help you. Parts for old bikes are around all over the world, but you haven't even told us what kind of crank we're talking about, or what kind of derailleur. Pictures would help too.


Jun 6, 2012

OK, thanks.. well I don't really know anything about the crank... apart from it being an "aenox", maybe a dead brand..? Stronglight seem to be a brand of chainring / crankset which may fit, but all I can really tell you about the crank is that the chainring is 122mm BCD. I've read you can get em but haven't had any luck finding anything below $130AUS. There's definitely a bit of rust down there, I'm not sure the bottom bracket will come out without a fight.

As far as the deraileur goes, I've learnt a short case will be better for a double, and a long case for triple. Obviously this will be dependant on the chainrings.

Helpfully the pics will help, I'm feeling kinda stuck right know...


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
If you don't have the tools, any decent bike shop should be able to remove that crank and the bracket and install new stuff for you for a fairly small amount of money. But if you've already checked out sources for chainrings there is not much more I can tell you.

The rear derailleur you need will depend on the shifters you're using, the number of rear cogs, and the number of chainrings.

If you are looking to replace that set up with a triple (for low gearing), you are going to have a hard time doing it for less than $300.

I can't tell what bike that is from your pictures (maybe an old Lotus?), but I can tell you that there are a lot of low quality and relatively worthless bikes around from the 80's. Unless that bike has some sentimental or other value to you, I personally would put the cash toward something newer. You can probably get a whole bike used for $500 or less.