
WAWA Digital


Aug 17, 2004
Napa, CA
Hey guys. Thought I'd post this here since many monkeys do use cameras to take pics on rides and such.

Remove it if you think it doesn't belong.

Anyway, I've been looking around for a good digital camera to upgrade. I settled on the Casio Exilim EX-Z750.

This morning I went on Google and did a search, WAWA Digital had the lowest price by quite a bit.

I put in all my info on their site, etc. Then they wanted me to call and confirm my order. Well, I didn't have to, they called me instead. It was a fast talking guy who said, "I noticed you didn't order a memory card, you need memory card for camera. You didn't order batteries, you need batteries." And it went on like that. He started quoting those things at insane prices and wouldn't even let me get a word in.

Then he mentioned the camera was refurbished and not new, and I'm like, "Well, I didn't notice that in the description, why didn't it say that, etc." He quickly went ahead and said, "Fine, I'll cancel your order. Have a nice day." He then hung up, and a few minutes later I got a cancellation email.

I called back and spoke to a different guy about this and he basically acted the same way, and then told me the camera wasn't in stock.

After actually doing some research I noticed that they do this sort of thing all the time, check out epinions. It appears some people have even been threatened by them.

I guess I got a bit lazy since I've gotten used to doing so many transactions online and haven't had 1 bad experience.

So, when shopping for a digital camera, don't ever go to WAWA Digital.

I think I'm off to cancel my CC right now.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Cameras are a particularly bad market online when it comes to scam artists and rip-off places.

If it's significantly cheaper than anywhere else, it's a scam.

www.resellerratings.com is a decent place to check first, but generally, stick with reputable places like www.bhphotovideo.com or other such dealerships.

Sorry to hear you had problems...